AEN Department (Additional Education Needs)

Co-ordinatorMs Gemma Peat –  

In making provision & providing support for students with Additional Educational Needs, the below information should be included with any application to Donabate Community College: 

  • Access to a Special Needs Assistant (SNA), individual or shared

  • Completed a Psychological Assessment (It will be necessary to furnish the relevant documentation and/or reports to the AEN Co-Ordinator). Please include details of any outside agencies working with your child such as the Childrens Disability Network Team

  • Access to additional resources such as Assistive Technology 

  • Granted an Irish Exemption (It will be necessary to provide a copy of the Exemption Cert) 

  • Received help in areas including visual or hearing impairment, general learning disability or emotionalbehavioural or social disturbance. Including the name of any NCSE visiting teacher is useful

  • Had support with travel or mobility 

  • Speaks another home language & received additional literacy & language classes in English as an Additional Language (EAL) student

  • Received help, for specific needs, from a resource teacher or in small classes   

  • Required assistance with behaviour modification & intervention 


AEN Anchors, By Year 

1st Year: Ms Jenna Melvin 

2nd Year: Ms Katy Comerford 

3rd Year: Mr Craig Best 

4th Year: Ms Christine Carr 

5th Year: Mr Martin Treacy 

6th Year: Ms Carolanne Borland 



Ms Alice Chaloner. Guide for parents & students available at 


Irish Exemption Information: Irish Exemptions are granted only in exceptional circumstances – see DES guidelines Please contact the AEN co-ordinator if it is something you would like to discuss.