Business Studies

Business studies aims to stimulate students’ interest in the business environment and how they interact with it. It develops skills, knowledge attitudes and behaviours that allow them to make informed and responsible decisions with all of the resources available to them, ensuring their and society’s well-being, while becoming more self-aware as learners. There are three main areas of focus: Personal Finance, Enterprise and Our Economy. Some of the topics covered include: How to start your own business, how to do Market Research for a product, how technology helps a business, how the government helps the Economy, how our decisions impact others in the Community, how to record Business Profitability and how to assess Business Performance.

Business Studies is an all-round subject. It gives students an excellent grounding for the working world and gives them an understanding of the world around them. Students will learn key life-long skills like decision-making, time management and team working skills that will be vital for when they leave school and are out in the working world. All Business Studies classes are designed to be engaging and interesting for students. Students are given an opportunity to be creative and develop their own ideas. 

Students will take part in two CBAs for Junior Cycle Business Studies. CBA1 takes place in 2nd year. Students work as part of a group to develop their own business idea and carry out market research on their product. Students present their ideas as part of a group to the class. CBA2 takes place in 3rd year. It comprises of an individual research project and presentation on a business topic. Students will then engage in a reflective process and will complete an Assessment Task based on the presentation. This Assessment Task is worth 10% of the overall Junior Cycle grade.

Leaving Certificate business creates an awareness of the importance of business activity and develops a positive and ethical attitude towards enterprise. The learning experiences in business develop students’ critical thinking, creative and organisational skills while enhancing literacy and numeracy skills using real-life examples. Business provides students with a learning foundation for a wide range of careers in business, marketing, law, enterprise and management.

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