Visual Art

Junior Cycle Overview 

Part of the learning experiences of students in Visual Art over the three years of junior cycle involves developing an understanding of aesthetics and the use of the art elements and design principles in their own work, as well as being able to analyse these in the work of others. As students develop their skills through the use of different processes and media and in their approaches to creating realised work in all of the three strands (ART, CRAFT, DESIGN), they will also learn to experiment with and decide on suitable media. 

The subject promotes divergent thinking and develops the learner’s ability to interpret, make judgements and express opinions on a work. It also promotes respect for the work and the opinions of others. 

Students will complete the following for their Junior Cert: 

2nd year  CBA1 
3rd year  CBA2 
3rd year  Final Project 

Senior Cycle Overview 

Leaving Certificate Art aims to develop in learners the knowledge, skills, understanding and values needed to bring an idea to realisation and to respond to, understand, analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others. Each learner is a unique individual and will be enabled to develop their own skill set in a personal way. The learner will become aware of the world of Visual Studies, how it can inform their own work and life, and thereby become more aware of their own place in a wider society. 

Leaving Certificate Art consists of three main components at both Higher and Ordinary Level. Practical coursework is 50%, Practical Examination is worth 20% while Written Examination is worth 30%. All practical coursework and examination work will be completed in 6th year.  


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